Fashiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary
Chakaria, Cox’s Bazar.
Fashiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary protects a wide range of wildlife dependent on mixed evergreen forest, including a herd of Asian Elephants. Fashiakhali WS covers 1,302 hectares in Chakaria Upazilla, to the north of Cox’s Bazar town. It was declared as a Wildlife Sanctuary on 2 June 2007 by a gazette notification of Ministry of Environment and Forest.
The Wildlife Sanctuary has a diversity of vegetation including mixed forest, dense undergrowth, bamboo and tall grasses, along with marshy lands and streams. The grasses are favored by a herd of about 28 endangered Asian Elephant Elephas maximus that live inside the sanctuary. The elephant herd used to roam in neighboring Reserved Forests in the past. However, refugees have settled in Fasiakhali and Yeancha severely degrading forest there, so the elephants are now restricted largely to the WS. Other notable species present include Northern Pig-tailed Macaque, Slow Loris, Jungle Cat, Fishing Cat and White-crested Laughing Thrush.
FWS is bordered by 30 villages whose inhabitants have in the past degraded ecosystems and increased their vulnerability to climate change. Illicit logging was a major reason for ecosystem degradation and many of the larger most valuable trees have been felled with a long term impact on habitats and forest regeneration.
Home to globally endangered Asian Elephant and vulnerable Pigtailed Macaque
Patches of critically endangered Garjan Dipterocarpus turbinatus trees.
High species diversity: 15 amphibian species, 35 reptile species, 25 mammal species, and 162 bird species.
Restoring forest here offers the scope to sequester 403 tons of CO2 per hectare for climate change mitigation
Local people are poor and depend on forest resources, threatening the biodiversity and ecology
Natural beauty and wildlife offer eco-tourism potential

Northern Pig-tailed Macaque (Macaca leonine)
Please support this important work
This globally vulnerable monkey has a distinctive thin pig-like tail and flattened crown. It is restricted to evergreen forests in the east of Bangladesh, also eastthrough South-east Asia to southern Thailand. Troops of up to 20 animals are often noisy as they squabble over ripe fruits on the forest floor or in large trees. Fasiakhali still protects a healthy population from poaching and habitat loss.
Please support this important work
This globally endangered species was once widespread in Bangladesh. It is now restricted to a few Protected Areas in the south-east. A small, but important, population moves within and between sites. Jaldi CMC is working with ten other CMCs and the Forest Department to protect elephants and their habitat, restore connecting corridors used in their migrations, and minimize conflicts with local people.

Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sustaining Nature, Biodiversity, and Local Communities
Fashiakhali Co-Management Committee engages with local communities to conserve Fashikhali Wildlife Sanctuary and its threatened species, including Bangladesh’s last elephants, through climate-resilient natural resources management and diversified livelihoods.
Co-Management was established in FWS on 23 December 2009 following a Ministry of Environment and Forests order published in November 2009. Fashiakhali CMC formally works with and includes Bangladesh Forest Department as well as all key local stakeholders including local government and of course representatives of the surrounding 30 villageswho are organized into a common forum. Under the CMC two community patrol groups have reduced illegal felling, a conservation club and other initiatives are reducing dependence on extracting forest products and instead promoting forest protection. For example, through collaboration with local schools, children have planted seeds of Garjan trees to aid regeneration.
- Restore Forest and Ensure long-term conservation of biodiversity
- Mobilize local people including youth as environmental stewards and stakeholders
- Assist natural resource users to enhance and diversify their livelihoods, reduce extraction from forests, and reduce vulnerability to hazards and climate change
- Encourage eco-tourism, and provide adequate facilities for visitors
- Provide a forum for discussions,consultations, and conflict resolution
How You Can Help ?
Please support our efforts to strengthen conservation. The work of Fashiakhali CMC and associated organizations involves local communities working with Bangladesh Forest Department, and local government. These activities depend on support from grants and outside resources.
Fashiakhali CMC has a bank account (Fashiakhali Boinnaprani Avoyarnna Sahobabostapona Committee, NCC Bank Ltd., Chakaria, Cox’s Bazar-4700) and can receive grants from domestic sources. For international assistance, funds can be channeled through Nature Conservation Management (NACOM) a national NGO which has helped establish the CMC. NACOM is registered with Bangladesh NGO Affairs Bureau, no. 481. NACOM focuses on environment, climate change issues, development of grassroots people and nature protection.
Your donations to Fashiakhali CMC will support:
- Improving protection of forest, and their threatened species, through community patrols
- Creating awareness among the local people and increasing alternative income source.
- Promoting eco-tourism (e.g. establishing and maintaining visitor facilities and publicizing Fashiakhali)
- Increasing community sustainability (e.g. reducing disaster vulnerability and improving services)
- Sustainability of co-management movement.
Fasiakhali CMC
Fashiakhali, Chakaria,
Cox’s Bazar
Tel: 01815 173 530
Forest Department
Fasiakhali CMC
Fashiakhali, Chakaria,
Cox’s Bazar
Tel: 01834 001 009
Member Secretary
Jaldi CMC, Jaldi Range
Tel: 01711 279 466
Dr. Abdur Rob Mollah
House No. 20-21, Flat D2 & C5, Road No. 12, Block F,
Niketan, Gulshan 1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Tel: 02-8832073, 02-8832103
Email: nacom@nacom.org
Facebook Page
Documents of Fashiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary
Fashiakhli Wildlife Sanctuary PA Profile
Fashiakhali Welcome Board
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